Page 41 - 第 2 卷 第 3 期
P. 41

. .  研
公寓住宅污水用戶對接管工程影響因素探討 32 究

Investigation of Engineering Inluential Factors for Apartment

Residential Sewage Connection

Lin,Min-Ching1 Hsu,Nan-Ly2* Chen,Brian.Tsong-Hour3 

1Project Staff, General Services Division, Construct and Planning Agency, Minister of the Interior

2Professor,Deaprtment of Nursing,Yuan-Pei University 

3Chairman,Building Environment and Health Promotion Association, Taiwan-China


Background: In order to increase national competitiveness, the government had been proactively build- 

ing sewers in cities and counties across Taiwan. The sewers not only improve the hygienic conditions of the 

cities, but also prevent river pollution. The sewer is one of the essential public facilities in modern cities. 
The number of sewer connections is an important indicator for evaluating the quality of life across different 


Purposes: This study aims to investigate the impacts, perceptions, the degrees of satisfaction and loyalty 
among the households that agree to have sewer connections. Meanwhile, genders, ages, occupations, de- 

grees of education, family sizes, annual family incomes, the impacts of house ages on sewer connections are 

also taken into account to see if they are signiicantly inluence the impacts, perceptions, the degrees of sat- 
isfaction and loyalty among the households that agree to have sewer connections.

Methods: Questionnaires was used to survey the apartment households in Xizhi District. There are 500 
questionnaires were returned, with a returned rate of 96.2%. Scores 1-3 was used to collect data. Survey pe- 

riod was conducted between December 1st 2013 and December 31st 2013.

Results: The results showed that the impacts of the sewer connections on the households average score was 

2.54, the perceptions of the households score 2.31, the degrees of satisfaction score 2.33, and the degree of 

loyalty score 2.35. Overall, the average score reaches 2.38, which means that the households were satisied 
with the policy of building sewer connections. The research results validated the hypothesis that different 

genders, ages, occupations, education levels, family sizes, annual family incomes, house ages had signii- Jo
cantly inluenced the policies, perceptions, the degree of loyalty, the degree of satisfaction, and overall satis- nal
h a
Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The ultimate goal of this study allowed users to affect the takeover nd 
sewage works. From the policy marketing exhibits a high degree of positive effects over the degree for per- hit
ceived value and satisfaction and the degree of loyalty. Therefore, the government should strengthen policy ect
marketing, and the general public should be willing to accept the inconvenience of the construction process  
and a partial loss of vested interests so that the construction can continue eficiently at lower costs to the so- lum
ciety in exchange for a clean, healthy, and pollution-free living environment in the long run.
Keywords: Sewage System, Sewer Connections, Policy Marketing, Degree of Satisfaction

Accepted for publication: March 22 , 2015
Corresponding author : Hsu,Nan-Ly
Address : 12F.-1,No.223, Sec.3, Heping E.Rd.,Taipei City, Taiwan(R.O.C), 11056 1, 2
Tel : 0911276168

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